Most frequent questions and answers
  • Begun in 2010, Healthy Richmond is a 10-year, community-driven project to help improve the health and safety of our community.
  • Healthy Richmond is being supported by The California Endowment (TCE), which is a grant-making foundation that is working to improve health in 14 communities all across the state of California. This statewide project is called Building Healthy Communities.
  • The Healthy Richmond Network of Partners that includes Resident Leaders (Youth & Adults), Base Building Organizations, Community Based Organizations, and System Leaders have been working around collective tables to engage in Policy Advocacy and Resident Power Building with Health & Racial Equity at the center of each campaign. Over the next year, Healthy Richmond will be evolving into the next phase of the political and system’s change work. We are actively working on a Sustainability Plan that will guide how we continue to deepen the policy work we have worked over the last 10 years.
  • All of the activities of Healthy Richmond relate to one single idea: That Richmond will become a place where all children are safe, healthy, and ready to learn.
  • Four priorities have been chosen as the focus of our work in the first few years:
    1. Access to quality health care for all
    2. Ensuring safety in our homes and communities
    3. Creating vibrant schools that promote health and success
    4. Supporting healthy economic revitalization
  • When TCE started this project in 2009, a group of people in Richmond was chosen to form a Steering Committee to manage the beginning of the process. The job of the Healthy Richmond Steering Committee was to explore how we as a whole community can work together to create a healthier and safer city. 
  • In late 2010, the Healthy Richmond Steering Committee made the first big step in turning this project into a reality, by producing a document called a Logic Model. 
  • The Logic Model outlines the Steering Committee’s recommendations for how our community – government leaders, businesses, nonprofit organizations, and residents of all ages and ethnicities – can work together to make a healthier and safer Richmond.
  • The Logic Model identifies several core strategies that will be essential to the project: resident engagement, community organizing, systems change, and youth participation and development, with all sectors working together on these ten-year outcomes.
  • Over the last 7 years the initiative produced several evaluation documents including a 2015 Synthesis of Accomplishments, 2016 Community Learning Plan, 2018 Evaluation Memo, 2018 Social Network Analysis (SNA),  and other evaluation documents including case studies on resident power building projects.
  • Today, the Healthy Richmond project is moving from the first 10 years of policy wins and systems change and laying the groundwork for a sustainable long-term effort. 
  • The implementation process will be managed by The Healthy Richmond Hub Staff Team. The Hub serves as the primary coordinator for the project. 
  • The Hub will be hosted by RCF Connects (formerly known as Richmond Community Foundation), which was chosen by Healthy Richmond Sustainability Task Force and Steering Committee. 
  • The Hub’s administrative home is located in downtown RIchmond at 1015 Nevin Ave, Suite 101, Richmond, CA
  • The Hub is led by a Healthy Richmond Hub Steering Committee, a group of people who have a stake in building a better Richmond and who have volunteered to serve on the committee to help advance the project. 
  • The Hub Steering Committee is the lead entity for the Hub, makes the decisions for each site, and will be responsible for reviewing and updating the Logic Model every year. 
  • The Hub’s day-to-day activities are managed by a full-time staff person known as a Senior Director. Working in collaboration with the Hub Steering Committee, the Hub Manager will be responsible for carrying out the Hub’s activities, including coordination, communication, research, outreach, and fiscal management of the Hub’s operating budget.
  • On a biennial basis, we will be inviting applications from community members who are interested in serving as members of the newly forming Healthy Richmond Hub Steering Committee! Our last recruitment process ended in May 2013.
  • Serving on the Hub Steering Committee is a great opportunity to work with people from across our community to reach a shared goal: To improve health and safety for all residents.
  • As a member of the Hub Steering Committee, you will work with residents and other community leaders to guide the process of turning ideas into real action and changes in our city.
  • We encourage applications from across our community: all ages, genders, sexual orientations, ethnicities, languages, economic condition, educational background, abilities, professional skills, philosophies, and life experiences. Our hope is to call on the great knowledge, history, and energy of our community to implement this project.
  • Committee members should expect to devote about 10 hours a month to the project, at first, and should be willing to commit to a two-year term of service.
  • The Hub Steering Committee will focus on issues like setting up strong policies and procedures to help structure and support the Committee, the Hub, and the overall Healthy Richmond project; creating by-laws; developing decision-making mechanisms; identifying core values and goals; or pulling together research or local information about a particular issue.
  • Based on your interest, you will be an active member of one of our campaigns designed to build a collective movement to shift racial equity policies in our community.
  • The Hub Steering Committee is intended to be inclusive and diverse.
  • The Hub Steering Committee will include residents who live in the target neighborhoods as well as representatives from nonprofit organizations, faith-based organizations, municipal agencies (like the City Manager’s office), the school district, and health-related organizations that serve Richmond.
  • Reflecting our commitment to youth engagement and leadership development, the Hub will also collaborate with the Richmond Youth Organizing Team coordinated through the RYSE Center.
  • Check out our project’s website at www.HealthyRichmond.net, follow us on twitter, or friend us on Facebook. 
  • Contact the Senior Director at healthyrichmondbhc@gmail.com or by phone at 510 680-3133.
  • The application to serve on the Steering Committee will be announced and posted on the website when openings are available.
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