Partner Coalitions
There are many organizations in our network and partnership that are leading their own collaborative campaigns. Although the Healthy Contra Costa staff doesn’t lead these Coalitions, their goals and values align directly with ours, and we play an active role to support lead organizations and leverage partnerships to move our collective goals forward.

ContraCostaCountyRacialJusticeCoalition (CCRJC)
Services not Cells and Decarceration
The CCRJC is a coalition of organizations and individuals committed to eliminating racial inequalities in Contra Costa County and beyond. Their work has been centered in achieving justice for families connected to the county’s criminal justice system. Through the work of the coalition, a major jail expansion was blocked, funds from state measure AB109 are being directed into needed services for residents re-entering the community, and policies around bail fees and other systemic barriers to families have been addressed. The coalition continues to organize and hold policy makers and administrators accountable to the need for justice in our community. Other Partners working on Community Safety are
- Safe Return Project- Community Organizing and Capacity Building, Policy advocacy at County level for Criminal Justice Reform and Reinvestment of Prevention Services for the most impacted populations
- ACCE-Community Organizing and Capacity Building, Policy Advocacy at County level for Criminal Justice Reform and Reinvestment of Prevention Services for the most impacted populations
- RYSE Center – Trauma Informed Care, Juvenile Justice Reform, Education Justice and Youth Organizing
- Catholic Charities– Restorative Justice in the Schools
- Rubicon -Community Connections
East CC Collaborative (ECCCA)
ECCCA is a collaborative of nonprofits dedicated to strengthening policies, services, and resources in East County. The network’s purpose is to:
- Develop a common voice on issues affecting East Contra Costa residents; particularly those experiencing poverty, social isolation, or other obstacles to their ability to participate fully in the benefits of the community (ADVOCATE).
- Share and Leverage resources among participating nonprofits and private funders, to create a more sustainable ecosystem particularly with respect to encouraging the public and private sectors to better support services to disadvantaged populations (COLLABORATE).
- Work towards building nonprofit capacity and sustainability understanding the important role nonprofits play in addressing the needs of the diverse members of the community (Build Sustainability).
Budget Justice Coalition
The Contra Costa Budget Justice Coalition (BJC) was founded in 2018, with the following mission and purpose:
- The Contra Costa Budget Justice Coalition advocates for robust community engagement in the Contra Costa County budgeting process with a set of values-based budgeting principles that support safe and affordable housing, stable employment with fair wages, sufficient healthy food, essential health care, access to critical social services, quality early care and education.
- We believe that the primary purpose of a county budget is to be a social safety net. It should strive to reduce economic, racial and gender inequities, reduce barriers to success, promote healthy families, prioritize crime prevention over incarceration, and meet the needs of all its residents, regardless of immigration status.
Since our founding, BJC has built a large coalition of diverse stakeholders – including labor, human service and advocacy organizations, racial justice advocates, businesses, and individual residents. BJC has become a well-recognized and respected resource and advocate on the budget education process, community engagement and social justice and equity issues in the County.
Office of Racial Equity & Social Justice (ORESJ)
Office staff will work to create a safe, welcoming, and belonging culture in CCC by:
- Designing a mechanism for individual and aggregate concerns/complaints.
- Fostering county agency cultures that promote equity, inclusion and social justice.
- Finalizing the development & implementation of a CC countywide language equity plan.
- And Building capacity for youth leadership and engagement.
The office was officially launched in 2023 and the Core Committee’s report outlined the following aspirations:
- Building capacity to establish trust across race, ethnicity, income, immigration status and sexual orientation, and gender equity.
- Conduct a landscape analysis of racial (in)justice.
- Review whether county budget allocations are aligned with equity and social justice principles to address the root causes of inequality.
- And Finally, Reviewing and promoting policies w/in county agencies that achieve equity, fairness, and opportunity for all that live in CCC.